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Roboform import of authentication and pw audit

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Enpass does a good job of importing Roboform, but the password audit identifies authentication questions as having passwords. The import put the questions in misc category and in a Q&A folder but the audit has as lot of bad info since q&a answers weren't suppose to be secure passwords. Also fields are labeled as sensitive in the audit but not in category list   

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Hi @gmaddry,

Thanks for writing in. 

While importing items from Roboform if any field label contains "Password" then it will be imported as a password field in Enpass. The exported Roboform item of type "Authentication" contains field labels: Password Question, Password Answers. These contain substring "Password" so Enpass consider these as password fields and that's why these are visible in Password Audit. The only way to fix this issue by changing these field types by editing items one by one ( I know it's a bit tedious, but it's the only way to fix this issue).

Hope this helps!




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