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Using RETURN to copy text into clipboard for TOTP results in wrong TOTP being copied


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Using RETURN to copy text into clipboard for TOTP results in wrong TOTP being copied

I can't exactly record a video of this (as it would be some sensitive information) but when using the keyboard to make the selection using the browser extension, on both Safari and Chrome (on Mac, if that matters) results in the TOTP text (the 6 digit code) being copied, incorrectly. It's odd, but let's say the code should be 010101 well a totally unrelated number is put into the clipboard, but it's also 6 digits. I've waited a minute or two and it looks like the 6 digit code isn't related to the TOTP field and it changes depending on the time, so it's copying _A_ TOTP code, but not the _correct_ totp code.

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