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Extension on Firefox and Linux

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First, sorry for my bad english, I will use Google Translate from the French.

I was using Keepass, but I wanted a simple, user-friendly, cross-platform manager that allows me to use automatic filling easily on Windows and Linux.

I installed Enpass, which is very well done, and I installed the extension for Firefox.
Before passing completely to Enpass on my 2 systems (Windows - Linux), I do the test on Linux, but the automatic filling does not work.

My configuration:

Linux Mint 18.1
Firefox 52.0.1 64bit
Extension Enpass password manager 5.3.4
Enpass 5.5.2

Could you tell me if this is normal or if I have to do something specifically to make it work?

Thank you very much

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Hi @Darksky,

Thanks for writing in and I apologize for the inconvenience. I'm afraid to say that I don't understand completely what you mean by:

On 26/03/2017 at 6:27 PM, Darksky said:

I do the test on Linux, but automatic filling does not work.

To know how Enpass autofill works please have a look at user manual and let me know exactly what problem are you facing while auto-filling so that I can help you in a better way.

Thanks for your co-operation!



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