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Enpass Discussion Forum

mass update across domain


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I use enpass for personal and work.  Periodically my corporate (work) policy requires me to update my work password, and since all websites and server from work uses AD (active directory), at work it changes all together.  However, after change, none of my enpass works until i manually change them one by one.  I think the problem is this.

1) fail to bundle password entries together within the tool by domain or subdomain. I should not need to have multiple entries in enpass when they are all really the same domain for work that's behind AD. 

2) lack of mass update tool

3) in other password manager i've used, it actually proactively detect an update, and will offer to change similar entries due to domain matching.  So I think having domain detection is key. 

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  • 7 months later...

I´m facing the same problem. I have a more general solution: in keepass one can reference other entries and their fields. This way you could create an login-entry "AD" with username / password and separate entries for all of your companies websites. These entries would have no password but a reference to the AD-Password. Whenever this is changed it is autmatically used by all company-logins.

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