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Translation into German


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Hi Enpass-Team,

I have already written you some time ago on localization@enpass.io, that I would help to improve the German translation.

Yesterday I was doing something in the setting on iOS and I found out, that there are some translation errors, which I would help to correct.

Please inform me, how I can help.




Edited by edenhaus
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Hi @edenhaus 

It is appreciable that you are facilitating our team with your precious and valuable guidance to improve our product's services. We are managing localizations for Enpass at crowdin.com. If you have found some issues with German language and would like to have a look at the translations, please write to us again at localization@enpass.io mentioning an E-mail address where we can send an invite to you for joining Crowdin account. 

I am glad to assist you here. Once again thanks a lot for your kind advise.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi there,

I wrote you an email just a few minutes ago to this address (localization@enpass.io). If you should need help with German translations in Enpass, it would be a favour to being able to help. Enpass is a fantastic app, and it's worth to use any chance to get it even more better!

Keep on with this great work on this fine password manager!



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