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All "cmd" keys are in chrome catched

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Hey there.

I'm currently using Enpass on both, Windows and Mac in Chrome.

I'm used to use "cmd + f2" for auto fill since that's an easy to manage keyboard combination that doesn't force my right hand to leave the mouse :). That's what I was using in 1password, and I'd like to continue using that.

Whenever I register *any* keyboard combination that starts with a "cmd" key followed by any "f" key, *all* cmd keys are fetched even if there's no additional key pressed.

So right after registering "cmd + f2", I'm no longer able to use e.g. "cmd + f" for searching.

If I e.g. register "cmd + ^" (which gets displayed as "cmd + `" in the extension configuration), the "cmd" key works as expected and doesn't catch other key strokes then the configured one.

If I register "cmd + esc", then it's the same as with "cmd + f2", the Enpass tooltip opens as soon as I hit "cmd".

A possible solution for resolving this would be: Having "Fill with Enpass" as a menu entry somewhere in Chrome, which would allow me to register my very own shortcut through regular OS-X keyboard management.

Is there any chance to have a "cmd + f" combination working on OS-X?



Edited by goli
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