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Windows Hello PIN


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I have just started using enpass and I love it, mostly because of its compatibility with Windows Hello facial recognition. Now I noticed that, when facial recognition does not work, you are able to log in using your Windows Hello PIN. I can imagine this undermines security quite a bit, since my PIN is much easier to break than my master password. So would it not be better to ask for the master password, whenever facial recognition is failing?

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I see where you are coming from. On the assumption that Enpass is consistant in its operations then the moment you or someone enters an incorrect Pin Enpass from then on will demand the master password. At the end of the day, in daily use of security software practicality is high on the agenda.

I do not have the face recognition facility but to have finger facility and would really be surprised if both did not function in a similar way as far as Enpass is concerned.

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Thanks for your reply. So I tried entering an invalid PIN and you do get a few tries. After that, it does not ask for the master password but instead requires a restart of the device in order to log in again through PIN. Facial recognition still works. I guess that's a decent solution, though I still would have preferred the master password as the only alternative to facial recognition. You're right about the loss of software practicality when having to enter your full master password each time facial recognition fails, but I find Windows Hello to be fairly consistent and would be happy to trade some practicality for better security when it comes to my most sensitive information.

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Guest Akash Vyas

Hey @PollevanR

Thanks for dropping by. We're glad to know that you like Enpass.

For unlocking using Windows Hello, we've used the default APIs provided by Windows and all the behaviour to present Facial recognition dialog or PIN is controlled by Windows itself. However,  I've noted down your request and forwarded it to the dev team to look for a work around.


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On ‎08‎.‎08‎.‎2017 at 4:51 PM, PollevanR said:

Hi @Akash Vyas, thanks for your reply. So I guess it's also kind of Microsoft's, allowing PIN as an alternative to facial recognition. Still, I sincerely hope the dev team finds a way around this and can disable PIN as a login option to enpass. 

One more thing: The PIN / Face Unlock is just working on your machine. It's not your new masterpassword on every computer, so if someone is "logging" your pin - he still can't access the password database. And if someone is trying to open the database on your machine -he can just try 3 PIN codes, and the PIN can have more then 4 digits. So it should be safe enough :) 

Edited by djohannes
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