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Enpass Discussion Forum

New Windows 10 PC, can't sync with Dropbox


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I've used Enpass for years. I'm a registered user and a paying Android customer. I love Enpass. But for the love of computers, please fix your syncing problems.

I installed Enpass from the Microsoft Store on a new Windows 10 PC. I can successfully add an existing vault that is stored in OneDrive.

I try the same thing with Dropbox, and after logging in it appears for 2 seconds like the sync in in progress and then it displays an "Error while restoring data." message. This same vault is syncing successfully with 2 Android devices and another Windows 10 PC.

I removed the OneDrive-synced vault and tried adding Dropbox as the first vault. Same behavior.

I've uninstalled and reinstalled, tried the downloaded version from the website, different browsers: same problem every time.

All you have to do is make this work. Every release seems to bring a new problem. I was unable to find a current solution for Dropbox vault restoration problems on the forum. Is there a solution for this?

Enpass 6.4.1 (642)

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