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Onedrive and multi account


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Hello, I use Endpass for several years and for about ten days, I have a onedrive sync error on all my devices (PCs Win10, android). While trying to redefine sync, I realized that it wasn't using the good Onedrive account. Because I use several onedrive accounts (Perso, work, family,...) on my devices. How is it possible to choose which account to use? and this for differente vaults ? Kind regards. Vincent

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm having a similar problem with my Personal & Business OneDrive accounts currently.

Ideally, I'd like to have several different vaults but can't seem to figure out how to best setup and sync.  

Here's what I'd like to do:

Primary Vault = Personal - sync'd with Personal OneDrive account

Sub 1 Vault = Personal-Family - sync'd with a Family OneDrive account

Sub 2 Vault = Business-Personal - sync'd with Business OneDrive account

Sub 3 Vault = Business-Management Team - sync'd somewhere where all members can use.

Sub 4 Vault = Business-Accounting Team -  sync'd somewhere all members can use.

Is it even possible to do this?  If so, is there documentation to make it happen?  I couldn't find anything.


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Hi @mismille,

Thanks for using Enpass and writing to us.

To sync Enpass vault using same cloud different accounts you need to manually setup sync for each vault. To do so, follow the below mentioned steps:

  • Open Enpass in your device and go to Enpass settings --> Vaults --> Tap on Primary ---> Select Sync and choose a cloud account to your database.
  • Enter your cloud account details, follow the instructions and wait till the sync is done.
  • Now open OneDrive in your default browser and logout from OneDrive.
  • Open Enpass in your device and go to Enpass settings --> Vaults --> Sub 1 vault  -->  Select Sync and choose a cloud account to your database.
  • Once the sync is done, open OneDrive in your default browser and logout from OneDrive.
  • Now follow the above steps to set up sync in all the vaults.

If you have any further queries, please feel free to contact us.

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