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Enpass Discussion Forum

Dropbox Sync makes the app crash


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Like two weeks ago, Enpass stopped working. When starting, the app showed like it was being started from scratch, not recognizing it had vaults sync'ed via Dropbox.

Trying to make it use Dropbox sync'ing, ends up showing the permission grant access view at dropbox.com in the browser. After accepting, Enpass is started again (i see it in the taskbar), but it dies after 2-3 seconds.   And, if I start again, the same cycle takes place. I have also tried uninstalling and reinstalling from the Microsoft Store, noticing that directory /AppData/Local/Packages/SinewSoftwareSystems.EnpassPasswordManager_INSTALL_ID is completely deleted -so no potentially corrupted data seems to be left when uninstalling.

The application is working perfectly in my other app copies at Mac OS and iOS. 

Has anyone managed to fix this situation? I have searched for a similar problem in the forum but did not seem to find a match.

Thank you!


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