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Import CSV to correct customized template


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Hi, I just installed Enpass and played a little. Looked nice so far.

So, I created my 10 categories, each with a template, where I added all the fields and separators. The templates look nice and work fine.

Then I wanted to import my 2324 items from Excel. I did not manage this. The template is not properly taken, so it means I have to work on each item, which is impossible.

With the pre-formatted CSV files (https://www.enpass.io/support/kb/general/how-can-i-import-my-data-saved-in-the-excel-file-to-enpass/) I can add the standard categories/templates. But I want to import to my templates, so I have the structure right.

With the "Miscellaneous" CSV I get all the field names right, but the field types are missing and the separater titles are also missing. So, for example most of my entries have the old password added is a custom field. But this field is after the import not hidden as it is imported as text. Even when moving the item to the right category the tempelte is not applied, it just appeared in the right category.

So I have the following question:

1. How can I move an item to another category and apply the template, that all field are in the proper format (e.g. password, multiline, hidden,...)?

2. Is there an pre-formatted CSV where I can add my own category/template (e.g. "category, username, email-address, password, website, comment, tag, note")?  

3. Is there a way to set up pre-defined templates for my customized categories?

4. I noticed, when exporting data from Enpass as CSV my proper category is also exported. So it should be possible to import the same CSV file format. How is this possible?





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Thanks for installing Enpass and giving it a try. We appreciate your feedback.

On 8/12/2020 at 3:47 PM, Rolly said:

With the "Miscellaneous" CSV I get all the field names right, but the field types are missing and the separater titles are also missing.

 Did you have the same name for the field types in the CSV and the template you created? 

On 8/12/2020 at 3:47 PM, Rolly said:

So, for example most of my entries have the old password added is a custom field.

 You'll have to edit the CSV column type as "Password" to rectify this. Don't use the custom field in the column header of the CSV.

On 8/12/2020 at 3:47 PM, Rolly said:

How can I move an item to another category and apply the template, that all field are in the proper format (e.g. password, multiline, hidden,...)?

The template of an item would not change on moving the item(s) to a particular category. While you create an item, you have to choose a specific template that fits the bill or you will have to edit it later.

On 8/12/2020 at 3:47 PM, Rolly said:

Is there an pre-formatted CSV where I can add my own category/template

No. You can, however, use the Miscellaneous CSV, edit the columns similar to the template's field type and then import the CSV.

On 8/12/2020 at 3:47 PM, Rolly said:

I noticed, when exporting data from Enpass as CSV my proper category is also exported. So it should be possible to import the same CSV file format. How is this possible?

Similar to the above, edit the CSV column header in line with the field type you want. You can also refer to the user manual page for additional info. 

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  • 2 months later...

I've also been trying to import CSV and failed. I too have customized templates. I created a test record then exported to CSV however needed a lot of correction as the labels and data were all one line. Did an import using combo of existing fields/labels and my custom fields/labels. Record was one field labelled "Additional Details".

I don't see method to include a snapshot.

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