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Database location and scheduled backup


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New user here. I am starting to use Enpass and when my Lastpass Premium subscription is going to expire I might buy mobile apps too.

On desktop I run Fedora23. I have a couple of questions.


1. Where is the database file located? I could not find in the folder where I have installed Enpass.

2. Which is the command invoked by Enpass when backing up? I would like to set a cronjob to have it done automatically.


Thank you

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Hi @ase

Welcome to Enpass Family! Really sorry for late reply, don't know how I missed your query:(.  Well, its better late than never.

On 23 June 2016 at 6:42 PM, ase said:

1. Where is the database file located? I could not find in the folder where I have installed Enpass.


The default location of Enpass data is ~Documents→ Enpass→ walletx.db and yes you can change it from Enpass Settings→ Advanced→ Location→ Change location and then you have to just locate the new path.

On 23 June 2016 at 6:42 PM, ase said:

2. Which is the command invoked by Enpass when backing up? I would like to set a cronjob to have it done automatically.


At the moment, Enpass doesn't support auto backup locally in your system but have planned this feature in coming updates. No need to worry if you have setup the Sync which automatically takes backup of your data with latest changes.


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