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Autofill doesn't seem to work if the page only requires a password

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We use Mailman which, for the admin interface, only has a password field. There isn't a username.

I've defined an entry in the Login category that has the correct URL for the admin interface and I've set the password. However, when I navigate to the page, the password field is not being filled in, even if I pick the entry from the browser plugin.

I've tried removing the user field and I've tried changing the name of the password field to match the name of the field in the browser page but neither has helped.

What do I need to do to get this to work, please? I've tested with Chrome and Firefox but the behaviour is the same.


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Hi @Philip Colmer,

Sorry to hear about the trouble I am afraid to say that currently I don't have Mailman setup with me. Though the autofilling on web pages with single password field was fixed but may be Mailman is not working as expected. Never mind, I have forwarded this issue to testing team, so they can investigate further. 

Thinking the best for you!


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