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Enpass Discussion Forum

Logging into a specific vault only


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DSI have been using enpass now for years and have enjoyed it immensely. Thank you for making such a robust and useful product. 

It seems that the only password that will unlock the UI is that of the primary vault.

I was wondering if there was a way I could log into a specific vault using that vault's master password.

Use case would be for my children for their passwords. Benefits include, 

  • Not cluttering primary with different items
  • Allowing visibility into specific items without compromising non-vault items
  • Allows visibility to specific groups of people

Anyway, some thoughts. 

I do have a couple of questions -

  • Can I save a non-primary vault as a primary on another computer?
  • When syncing a vault using a cloud account, does it differentiate the sync files using the vault name?
    • Can I use the same cloud service for three different vaults without overwriting the others?
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Hey @MikeT

Welcome to the forum!

We really appreciate you for your exploring the app and giving time in finding this valuable suggestion. The suggestion has been noted and forwarded to the development team for further consideration.

13 hours ago, MikeT said:

Can I save a non-primary vault as a primary on another computer?

You can create a secondary vault but deleting primary vault is not possible on any device.

13 hours ago, MikeT said:

When syncing a vault using a cloud account, does it differentiate the sync files using the vault name?

  • Can I use the same cloud service for three different vaults without overwriting the others?


Currently, you can use sync any particular vault of Enpass data with a single cloud account. Synchronizing different vaults with different cloud account is possible. For more details, refer to this link.

Hope this answers!

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