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Enpass Discussion Forum

autofill issue on https://connexion-mabanque.bnpparibas

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In contrast to LastPass, Enpass's autofill does not work on the field "1. Mon numéro client" (= My customer number)

https://mabanque.bnpparibas/fr/connexion          (the English langage version of this page does not work alas)

Using Enpass 6.6.2 (834) on MacOS 10.14.6 on a Macbookpro 15 (2016)

with Safari 14.1.1 or Brave 1.25.70 (Chromium: 91.0.4472.77 (Official Build) (x86_64)

Even after inspecting the HTML of this web page and testing the HTML names of the fields for autofill and adjsting Enpass accordingly.

Maybe the auto-fill  feature is deactivated on this web site, cannot tell.

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