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Safari freezes after migrating to M1, how to remove Enpass extension from outside the browser?

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I've recently changed my Macbook Pro to an M1 model.

Since then I cannot use Safari anymore. After a couple of seconds I open it, it hangs and I have to force quit.

I've tried to reset all the settigns, with no luck.

The only thing I'm not able to do is removing the Enpass extension.

I haven't enabled them at all, but Safari loads it. I cannot go to extensions' preferences in Safari and remove from them since it hangs way before I'm able to complete the process.

How can I remove it in order to be sure it's not the cause of Safari hanging?

I can see that Enpass (latest version, with pkg installer) is still an Intel app, running on Rosetta2, and I wonder if this could cause problem in an M1 native Safari.


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@Andrea Spacca Thanks for update. Enpass extension for Safari is always bundled with app (something that Apple recommends) and need not be installed separately as in other browsers. However, it is not enabled automatically after the install and you have to enable it from Safari preferences.

Let me know if your have further queries.

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