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Hi There,

I am using enpass desktop 5.02 on Windows 10 with the browser extensions for Chrome and Firefox.  This morning, the extensions stopped working.  I've rebooted, reinstalled enpass, turned off my antivirus (to test) to no avail.  (I am using Avira Free Antivirus version  This is affecting both my Windows 10 desktop and my wife's Windows 10 laptop.

Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot.

Thank you,

- Rory

Edited by Rory Wohl
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Today my Chrome browser extension has stopped working,


Using Chrome 51.0.2704.103 m on Windows 10 Pro

I have tried reinstalling both the desktop Enpass app and the browser extension with no success.

if I click the browser extension, nothing happens.  Also when I came to reinstall the app I was faced with a "This App has been blocked for your protection" and had to reinstall it from cmd.exe running as an administrator.

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