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Something change with notification autofill?


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So, my preferred preference when it comes to Enpass autofill is to use notifications. Usually as long as I had a valid domain in the "url" portion it would autofill for both website and app (and of course if the app had a different service then I would add that URL). 

Now however, even if I have a valid domain listed in inside he password record for a site, I have to manually for said record before it autofills. 

Example. i have a record for victorops.com. Both site and app point to a subdomain of victorops.com. As such in "URL" I just have "victorops.com". By doing this it would allow me to NOT have to search for the record as enpass would see that the app was sending auth to *.victorops.com and instantly show me a record. Now, I pull the notification shade, tap on the enpass fill notification, enpass opens and I see "no login found for victorops.com".

So, I'm not sure if there was a change due to android changes or if something is up!

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