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Mattchewie last won the day on February 11 2021

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  1. I have a few services that I no longer will be using an app with and would like to remove the autofill info. I see it in an export but don't see it in the app. Figured I would ask
  2. Nice to see the new vulnerability alert and dashboard but is there a way to "mute" that large red vulnerability alert header for those who are undecided or choose not to pay for this additional feature?
  3. @adsbhatial - Sounds like Enpass currently has the ability to support the feature but Google currently doesn't pass the information to the app as expected (in bullets). So the timeline to fix sits in Google's court.
  4. Thanks for the heads up @Vinod Kumar. Though I'm glad to hear there is a more capable connector coming, I'm a bit bummed that a new version would be released that basically nerfs functionality (even if it is only for a, hopefully, short time).
  5. It seems support for CB's on EP6 is either delayed or not happening since my app just updated and as Aleks stated, there is no option for chromebook.
  6. Folders have been replaced by tags. Existing folders should of been converted on upgrade.
  7. So, my preferred preference when it comes to Enpass autofill is to use notifications. Usually as long as I had a valid domain in the "url" portion it would autofill for both website and app (and of course if the app had a different service then I would add that URL). Now however, even if I have a valid domain listed in inside he password record for a site, I have to manually for said record before it autofills. Example. i have a record for victorops.com. Both site and app point to a subdomain of victorops.com. As such in "URL" I just have "victorops.com". By doing this it would allow me to NOT have to search for the record as enpass would see that the app was sending auth to *.victorops.com and instantly show me a record. Now, I pull the notification shade, tap on the enpass fill notification, enpass opens and I see "no login found for victorops.com". So, I'm not sure if there was a change due to android changes or if something is up!
  8. Safe in cloud uses "Label ID's" in it's database. It seems when one exports data from SiC in a TXT format that ID doesn't come along, however, in XML format it does. Enpass does not remove this Label ID on import from XML, thus creating a non-labeled field with a random number as it's data. I think it would be wise to have Enpass ignore the below tags when importing XML from SiC. <label_id></label_id>
  9. Coming from Safe-in-Cloud, the favicon option is the best. So I second this request. IIRC, if you don't want the favicon or if the site doesn't have one, you can just assign one of the built in icons from the app and it just overrides.
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