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Enpass Discussion Forum

Error Code 204400


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Good morning everyone,
since this morning intermittently enpass has been reporting the following error.
"Sync Error
Something went wrong while syncing with Dropbox. Error code:204400"
This error appears to me all the time and then suddenly disappears and after a few minutes/hours it reappears, what can it be due to?
Thank you in advance for your support


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Hi @Peo

Welcome to the Enpass Forums.

DropBox Error:204400 is a known issue and occurs when Dropbox updates their encryption token on their servers. Moreover, Dropbox has fixed the issue from their end and it should be resolved now. If you are still facing this issue, create a manual backup, then remove the synchronization from all the connected devices. While doing so, you will also get an option to ''Delete data from Dropbox". Please proceed with it and after doing it, enable the synchronization again.

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