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Enpass plugin in Safari 11.1 doesn't work


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I've bought Enpass few day ago, but when I'm navigating on safari 11.1 (13605. and High Sierra 10.13.4 (17E199) , I can't use the Enpass plugin and autofill. Sometimes the plugin works when Enpass app is open but 90% of the time it open a new tab with the "Enpass Connection Error"
I've already tried to clear the cache and cookies but nothing is working.

What should I do ??? I changed from 1Password and I'm quite angry that a 10€ app doesn't work.

Please let me know..

Capture d'écran 2018-04-25 15.19.48.png

Capture d'écran 2018-04-25 15.20.19.png

Edited by MrUgoMiller
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Hey Ugomiller,

Enpass Browser extensions only work when the main application is active in the background.
Should you have a problem with the Enpass Safari Extension, I recommend first activating browser extensions (as you did according to your screenshot).

I had the following situation:
Browser extension worked fine in Firefox and Chrome. But not with Safari: it always displayed a connection error.

After reinstalling Enpass and the respective safari extension about a million times, I decided to re-install macOS without erasing my data.
A reinstallation of macOS is the only way to re-install Safari.


How I did this:

  • Make a Time Machine backup to an external HDD or NAS. 
  • Go to Mac App Store, search for High Sierra and download it (around 5 GB)
  • When the download is finished, the High Sierra Installer pops up
  • Simply re-install macOS this way

And - voilà - this solved the problem for me.

Now everything is working fine!

Avec mes meilleures salutations,



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Je présume que tu es français. Nous allons donc continuer en FR ?!
Merci pour ta réponse rapide.

N'y a t il pas moyen cependant, comme sur 1Password par exemple, de faire fonctionner le plugin sans que l'application soit ouverte en background ? je trouve ca assez nul car cela n'a plus vraiment d'intérêt d'avoir le plugin si l'application est déjà ouverte...

En effet quand celle-ci est bien lancée, pas de soucis de mon coté.

Bien à toi.

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Salut Ugo,

Non, je suis Allemand et j'ai oublié presque tout ce que j'ai appris à l'école sauf quelques mots...
Et c'est pour ca que je vais continuer en Anglais maintenant, c'est plus facile ;)

The reason why l use the Safari Extension is the AutoFill function. When I get on a page with a login, I'll simply click the Enpass button in Safari, it will propose the respective login details and with a double-click on these details, it will fill in the login form. 

Regards from Munich,

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Thanks for your answer !!  Your French seems to be very good, not as my English ;)

You're right the autofill function is very effective but why the app has to be open in background, I don't understand, this is useless. (for instance with 1Password, you can click on the extension, the app is closed, and you can access and autofill your login/password).
If there is a team member around here, is there any possibility to update or use the extension without the app in background ?

Regards from Paris ;)

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