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Imported Roboform, no privacy, passwords visible


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I exported 500+ RoboForm entries to a html file.

I imported them to Enpass.

Security in Enpass is set to obscure passwords.

Instead, they are all visible. True for Desktop, Win10, and Windows Phone 8.1

Edited by RickH
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Hi @RickH,

Sorry to hear about your trouble. Recently RoboForm has changed their export format with some changes in the password field. We have noted down this issue to be fixed in future releases. Meanwhile you can try these steps:

  1. Export the data from RoboForm.
  2. Open the exported data in any text editor and replace the words  " pass:", "_pass:" and "passwd:"  with "Password:"
  3. Now you can import that data into Enpass by following the steps mentioned here in user manual https://www.enpass.io/docs/desktop-windows/import_export.html


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