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Onderive Sync fails in Enpass portable (Error code -119)


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Hey Guys,

I am already using Enpass on my Mac at Home and on my ANdroid Phone on the Go, syncing it with Onedrive.

Last week I set up Enpass Portable on my Work PC (Windows 10) and configured the sync, which was working without any issues.

Today i wanted to log on0 to a site I created a login for yesterday. Unfortunately i needed to find out, that the login is not on my work pc. So, i checked the Sync Settings screen and it is saying:

"There went something wrong while synchronizing (Error Code -119)"

Hmm. Okay, i thought and tried to disconnect and reconnect the onedrive sync. The Onedrive Website says: 

Authorization Finished

Please continue with Enpass application.


--> Loogs good. Returning to the Enpass application, i can see the circle spinning( it´s Synchronizing?) and after a few seconds, again:

"There went something wrong while synchronizing (Error Code -119)"


Unfortunately I couldn´t find any hint what Error Code -119 is meaning. I hope to get a good hint to get this sync working again, cause i need to have my passwords on my work PC too.

Thank you in advance for your help.


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