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Extension breaks Roberts Space Industries Functionality

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On the https://robertsspaceindustries.com/ website, the Firefox extension breaks functionality on the website. Firstly the opening videos won't load, if you click on the Account icon at the top-right, the side-panel won't open and after logging in, there are quite a few pieces of the website not working e.g. dropdowns not being populated, buttons not working, etc.

If I disable the Firefox extension, the website works normally as expected.

Edited by UltimateZeus
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Certainly, we're here to assist you. To help us investigate the issue, please provide the following details: 

  • Enpass and OS version of your machine. 
  • Enpass extension version. 
  • If there is a specific URL where this issue is occurring. 
  • Share a screen recording of the issue, as it will help us better understand the problem. 

Feel free to let me know if you have any specific details or questions you'd like to discuss. 

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Enpass on Windows 11 running Enpass Version 6.10.2 (1665)

Browser Extension on Firefox - Version

URL is: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/

Once on the landing page you can just click on the Account menu option at the top-right. With the extension enabled, 90% of the time a side panel will not appear. With the extension disabled, it will work 100% of the time, showing the login boxes.

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Thank you for sharing the details and your efforts in providing information.  

I've reported this issue to the Enpass technical team. They are currently investigating it, and I will reach out to you with updates as soon as I receive them. 

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