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Enpass 6 Masterpassword Not recognized


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Whenever I enter the master password I set up (why was it required to be SOOO long this time? Why couldn't I just use the same master password I had for the regular pass? First problem) It says it's not correct. Since I was never able to import the files from the regular enpass (problem 2), how do I just start over and create a new data file? I can't see any way to do it without entering the master password. So there has to be a way to at least delete the locked file and start over, how? if not, why not? 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Problem is when I connect to Google Drive for auto sync with same master password as Enpass 5 it not sync my data from the Google Drive, Enpass 6 have empty home page. When I tried Export data from Enpass 5 to 6 it not possible import to Enpass 6 I found only export button. Or Enpass 6 is not compatible with Enpass 5 data and can't sync with Google Drive from Enpass data folder ?

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Hi @Arnas,

Thanks for writing back.

First of all, I would like to share that restoring Enpass 5 data directly from the cloud is not possible, you need to restore it with the backup file. Please follow these steps for restoring Enpass 5 data into Enpass 6.

Step 1:

  • Open Enpass 5 --> Take the backup of Enpass data and save it manually on the system.

Step 2:

  • Quit Enpass 6 (If running).
  • Go to User Documents folder --> Rename Enpass6-Beta folder.
  • Now Open Enpass 6 --> It will prompt you a welcome screen --> Select Backup file --> And follow the instruction.


Hope this helps!

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