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Enpass Discussion Forum

Finds account for autofill using multiple URLs (desktop vs. mobile URL)


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Today, I felt on a case Enpass seems not to support: Web sites which have a different url for their desktop version and mobile version.

My Enpass data for this account has the desktop version URL in the Url field, and I would like to keep it this way.

As a consequence, Enpass does not automatically find the account to autofill credentials on my iPhone using the mobile version of the site.

So, I tried adding a second field of type URL, named "Mobile Url" or also named just "Url" like the original one, but that did not help.

Isn't this something you could support easily?

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Well, iOS 12.0 with Enpass 5.6.1 on

.... seems the forum does not allow me to post URL or even domain names, wtf? ...

so using https:

www dot becquet dot fr


m dot becquet dot fr

Don't get me wrong, I can still manually look for the Becquet account once firefox has opened Enpass and Enpass said "No account found", but it would be better if Enpass was able to find it on its own.

Kind regards

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