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Enpass 6 TXT export can not be imported by Keepass 2.40


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i just moved from Lastpass to Enpass 6 and i like the new version.

I only have one issue: I prefer a 2 vendor strategy for archiving my passwords - in the past, i exported my lastpass vault to csv and imported the csv into keepass - as an archive.

When i export an enpass 5.6.9 vault as a txt file, keepass is able to import this by choosing "Enpass TXT" in the import menue.

When i export an enpass 6.0.X vault as a txt file, keepass shows the error message "Object reference not set to an instance of an object".

So i seems, that you changed the txt-file format, did you? And i guess the only way to fix this is, that keepass will support the new layout in the future, right?

I tried this while using Windows 10, Mac OSX High Sierra and Ubuntu 18.04 ...

As a workaround: It would be great to convert the enpass6 vault to an enpass 5.6.9 vault - so that i can use a portable 5.6.9 to export the passwords in an keepass friendly way ...

Best regards,


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It would be good to get some clarification on exporting of data from Enpass 6, and the backward compatibility with Enpass v5, and other password managers.

I have several Mac computers, and a couple of Android devices that have all been updated to Enpass v6. However, I also use a BlackBerry Q10  (BB10 OS) device for work, which has Enpass v5. Until the release of v6, the Q10 was synchronising perfectly well with my Enpass database on G-drive. That is now broken :(

I appreciate that BlackBerry versions of Enpass are no longer supported but I would like to know what my options are for keeping Enpass passwords synchronised on the Q10, with those on G-drive and my other devices (now running v6).  


Similar problems on backward compatibility below – 


Edited by mushroom_daddy
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first of all that is a nice app

second I not want use it anymore but now I have a real big problem.

The export format is what ? 

Is not compatible with KeePass but this App started in that manner, now I have a closed Source 

that will be a pay ware very soon for all desktop versions (I was born 64 and I start working with IT before Arpanet was 

started) I found no KeePass compatible PW Manager that can import Enpass exported File same with backup or

pure database File.


So it was very helpful for me if some of the developers can tell me how get my PW database back in a readable Format

for other pw managers my favorite was here KeePass compatible.



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If anyone wants to have a 2 vendor strategy for backup purposes,  i would recommend bitwarden, which is open source (cloud or on premise) and does import enpass.json and enpass.csv. 

BUT: I did not manage to export bitwarden to keepass2  so far ...

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