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iOS shortcuts are created with every login


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I already reported this bug at the beginning of December and it's still there! 

When you click on the "key" button and fill in the password for the first time, there is a kind of shortcut created (only once!, even if you repeat it again and again for the same user login). But now in Enpass 6 there is every time you repeat this action for the same user login, a new identical shortcut created. This way you can end up having tons of shortcuts for one and the same user login.

It was happening not every time but now I figured out in which cases exactly this happens: if you create a shortcut for https://accounts.example.com/ and next time you fill in the credentials for the same URL then it's all right and no identical shortcut is created. But if you fill in the password for e.g. https://accounts.example.com/anything-else/behind-the-main-url/ then there will be a new shortcut created, even if the main URL+hostname matches. 

So I think it's just one more bug in the match URL hostname functionality.


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