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CSV import not working

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I started with exporting a CSV from my previous PW manager. Tried importing to just get the dreaded "nothing to import" error message. Here is what I tried next...

  • Manually cleaned up the data in a spreadsheet program, resaved as CSV. Tried to import but "nothing to import"
  • Aligned all columns, threw out all data I didn't need, resaved. Tried again but "nothing to import"
  • Simplified to just 4 entries, each only having a Aligned all columns, threw out all data I didn't need, resaved. Tried again but "nothing to import"
  • Created a brand new file with only 2 entries. Tried again but "nothing to import"
  • Simplified to just 1 entry. Tried again but "nothing to import"

You are losing business because of your overly simple error messages. For a product of this kind, import is the most essential first user experience. Most users are far less technically inclined than myself and many wouldn't bother giving you feedback at all.



~A potential customer

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For logins Windows 

The csv file must respect the following structure (10 data fields):

"Title","Username","Email","Password","Website","TOTP Secret Key","Custom Field 1","*Custom Field 2","Note","Tags"

If some data does not exist, it is necessary nevertheless that the field is present by indicating a double quotation mark.

For example:

"Title","Username","Email","Password","Website","TOTP Secret Key","Custom Field 1","*Custom Field 2","Note","Tags"
"Enpass", "Ekalb","","MyPaswword","https://discussion.enpass.io/index.php?/login/","","","","",""

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  • 11 months later...

I've been able to import with the structure mentioned above but:


This causes the entries to be loaded into Enpass INCLUDING the "" and new fields being added with names like "Title" or "Username" (again including the quotes)

As such I got it all in Enpass but the entries are useless.

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