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No password request for second vault / Access without keyfile


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I am a new user. Before I go productive, I wanted to test a few features before.

Something has confused me a lot.

I created the default vault with a password, no a keyfile. Then I created another vault with a different password and keyfile. Now I restarted enpass, entered the master password for the default vault and can now access both vaults. But why? I did NOT check the option "Save password in primary vault" when creating the second vault.

My first thought was "maybe the keyfile will be used without password". So I deleted the keyfile.

Now I restarted  enpass again, entered the master password for the standard safe .... and can access both safes again. ?!?! What is going wrong here? No password and no keyfile is needed to access the second vault

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half of the answer have i found in the manual:


When you create multiple vaults, the passwords of other vaults are stored securely in the Primary vault and are removed when you delete the vault. That’s why when you unlock Enpass, all the vaults get unlocked automatically.

Ok, its a feature...
Maybe i should do a feature request -> Possibility to choose the behaviour
My thought was that "Save password in primary vault" would do this.
-> If i check the box with saving the password in the primary vault, i don't need to type the specific password
-> If i don't check the box, i have to type the specific password every time i open the vaults

Is this behaviour the same for the keyfile? Is the keyfile saved in the primary vault?

So, if somebody, somehow, gets access to my primary vault...he has access to all vaults...wow
That's not what I was hoping for. Its bit of "Convenience vs. Security"

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