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Chrome Plugin on Edge Chromium on 19H1


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The Enpass Chrome plugin was working on test (leaked) build of Edge on Chromium version 111 (which is often called Edgium). I just upgraded to  19H1 on the slow ring (presumably the Release Preview coming next week). Now I am getting an error as below. I will continue to test and hope that the Beta Edge on Chromium comes out soon, and I will go back to Brave with the Enpass extension until I can get the stable Edgium.


Browser requesting the data is not code signed. You can share the following diagnostics with us at support@enpass.io.

code : 3
origin : chrome-extension://kmcfomidfpdkfieipokbalgegidffkal
path : C:\Users\jeffrey\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe
port : 49964
server_port : 10391

Just passing along in case it helps. Not sure where the 

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The Enpass extension from the Google Web Store is working very well on both the Dev and Canary release builds. I think the Enpass extension in the Microsoft Extension store is still V5, but I haven't checked in a couple of days. 


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Guest Vikram Dabas

Hi All,

The problem has been identified, and we are currently working on it. An update with the fixes will be submitted to the Store soon. Meanwhile, you can make Enpass extension working on Edge by disabling the "Authorized browser with verified code signature only" option in Enpass Browser setting.

Thanks for your co-operation.

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  • 2 months later...

Is there a fix for this yet?  I'm encountering a similar issue using the Chrome store extension with un-googled Chromium running on Mac OS Mojave.  The workaround described above works but I would like to know how to fix the signing issue.  Is this actually an Enpass issue? It seems like a Chromium problem.

Edited by stevemckay
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