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Some Questions about Enpass


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at the moment our company is thinking about using Enpass. We have some questions for that, i cant find a answer for these questions in the forum.

-for example: we have a server, where is one file lying. Somebody change the database password. Does all other user  get the password automatically?

-Did we need a php server or does it work without?

-Did we need a own domain?

-Is a multiuser system available?



I'm looking forward for some answers. Thank you very much.

Best regards.

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Guest Vikram Dabas


Many thanks for showing interest in Enpass.

The current version of Enpass is designed for individuals for personal usage. However, you can still use it to collaborate with a small team through a local shared space without the requirement of setting up any server or domain. In this scenario, all your data will be placed at that storage accessible to all the team members. 

The typical setup will look like

  • A central folder location where the Enpass database will reside (could be a folder on network file share/WebDAV etc.).  All the team members must have access to that location (preferably WebDAV if using mobile devices). This can be on your internal storage or remote on any cloud.
  • As an admin, download Enpass and set it up with multiple-vaults, each for a team. Every vault with different master passwords.
  • Set up sync for each vault (from Enpass settings) to a different folder location i.e. separate folder for every team. (Maybe to a different account in case of WebDAV). 
  • Share the access details of the shared folder (path of each vault) with the particular team. They would also need the master password of the vault. DO NOT SEND THE ACCESS DETAILS AND MASTER PASSWORD THROUGH THE SAME MEDIUM. FOR SECURITY REASONS, MASTER PASSWORD MUST BE SHARED SEPARATELY
  • Team members can now download Enpass on their device and restore the data from the specific vault residing at a designated path. 

I hope this helps! For anything, please feel free to discuss it here.


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  • 5 months later...

Hi, new user here and with a scenario much like the original post describes: a team who wants to use a vault that is syncing by dropbox.

I have created a vault for our team and specified a folder sync to a dropbox folder that we share. When my team member tries to add the vault from dropbox, the master password I set for the vault is rejected. We have tried using restore and import, and neither method works. 


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Hey @tsieling,

Sorry for the trouble you are going through.

Please make sure you are using the correct master password by checking the caps lock off. Also, please try copy and pasting your master password in the password field to check if that works. If the problem persists, please drop us an email at support@enpass.io along with these details so that we can help you better.

  • On which all devices (along with OS version) are you using Enpass?
  • Which Enpass version are you using on each device?
  • Does your master password contains any special character?

Thanks for your co-operation.

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