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Autofill in non-browser apps possible ? ( Win 10 )

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I recently switched from another Password Manager to Engpass and now realize the autofill seems to work only within Browsers using the Extension.

my Question is : is there a way to enable a Hotkey to open enpass and search for username / Password or other fields for a specific Windows on my Desktop ?

Examples what I am Looking for as this is Kind of key for me and works with my previous PW Manager perfect :

- bank account program Login : this is not in a brower and I need to open enpass manually to search for a record, earlier I had a Hotkey and everything was selected automatically

- my paperless Office scanning process : when scanning a document a dedicated window opens and my Password Manager should offer me the Options to select a records and add Information from an entry into the scanning document ( Kind of automated renaming of PDFs for invoices, insurances etc )

- etc

I have few situations where I Need this (  & got used to it in the meantime ), so this is essential for me.

Before I switch back to my previous app , Maybe I was not able to find that Setting and it is possible in enpass

I am not an experienced enpass user, hence the Question and I don't want to use both Tools in parallel for longer time before I possibly find out if this is possible or not.

Thx for reading, apoligize my english



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Hi @UweK,

Thanks for showing interest in Enpass.

On 7/3/2019 at 11:56 AM, UweK said:

my Question is : is there a way to enable a Hotkey to open enpass and search for username / Password or other fields for a specific Windows on my Desktop ?

 You can set the system-wide hotkey to launch Enpass from anywhere in the system from Enpass General Settings.

On 7/3/2019 at 11:56 AM, UweK said:

my paperless Office scanning process : when scanning a document a dedicated window opens and my Password Manager should offer me the Options to select a records and add Information from an entry into the scanning document ( Kind of automated renaming of PDFs for invoices, insurances etc )

Currently, Enpass doesn't have this option. However I have noted down your suggestion and forwarded to the concerned desk for further consideration.


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On 7/4/2019 at 9:26 AM, Anshu kumar said:

However I have noted down your suggestion and forwarded to the concerned desk for further consideration

Hi Anshu

thx for the Response. Please let me know if not exactly clear which functionality I am Looking for

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