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Sync error 908423 (workaround in place)


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I just upgraded my Windows 7 version of Enpass desktop to latest proposed upgrade => 6.1.1 (451)

Since then, it cannot sync my main vault on Webdav any longer.

I get error code :908423


Note : I have a secondary safe, also synced via Webdav, but using a slightly different URL, and this one works fine !


What happened ?

What should I do to get my main vault sync back ?




Note : sync on main vault was working perfectly just before the upgrade

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I've spend some time investigating further.

This error code is linked to Webdav 423 HTTP error : the file is locked and webdav cannot proceed.

So I turned to my Owncloud server (the Webdav server hosting my vaults), and, despite many attempts to reboot, modify/copy-paste files, reconfigure cache, fsck file system,... I could not succeed in removing the file lock (confirmed in owncloud.log file)

=> I simply gave up and placed my vault in another location on the server (and reconfigured Enpass "main vault" sync URL on each and every device where I use Enpass).

Now it works fine again, but I don't know what happened on Webdav server side (Owncloud).

I still think something went wrong when I upgraded to this latest Enpass version...


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