I use keepass for a while but the UI is not so great for 2016 software so I take a look on Enpass and it seems great.
But I miss some usefull things like :
Online / Self-hosted webapp : when you're on public computer and without your phone, it can be very usefull to use a webapp that everyone self host to open the database. Maybe on read-only to avoïd sync problem. Ok you're going to give a portable version but I don't go every where with an usb stick. With Keepass, we can self-host Keeweb and access to our database litteraly anywhere without portable / usb.
When you enter master password, it can be usefull to have an icon to see password in plain text. I've got a very long master password and if I'm wrong by typing a letter of my password I must start over.
That's it for now, thank