Thank you guys for the portable version, great work!
Im actually thinking about dropping the desktop-version on my two Win PC's for this one, in additiona to the phone app.
Here's my wishlist:
1. In enpass.conf, my webdav url is in cleartext, since I host it at home, id like the url to be encoded if the USB-drive is lost. is that possible? (for now, I enabled bitlocker on the drive to hide such metainfo)..
2. I'd like a fast option to launch enpassportable with my wallet. In most cases, the wallet will reside next to executable on the USB-stick so I'd want to be able to hardcode a path like " .\ " (working directory or execution path). Obviously tried it but there seemed to be a bug: "ChangedLocationPath=".SubtitleVisible=true"" appeard instead :-)
edit: That is, id like the working directory to be pre-selected, skipping the "browse" nad "recent"-dialog. thank!
edit 2: In addition, the Recent-dialogue won't allow me to use TabStop and select the stored path of the wallet-file, I have to use the mouse to point'n click. I navigate between apps mostly with keyboard and shortcuts and being forced to use the mouse is an exta moment in launching the app :-)