Hello everyone.
I'm a bit confused about all those Enpass versions available for Windows 10 PC.
I used to prefer the Enpass desktop application (not the one from the Windows Store)
but I downloaded the Store version because I thaught it would support Windows Hello.
I don't have Windows Hello already but I want to buy an USB fingerprint reader soon
so I just wanted to check out if I can see an option to enable Windows Hello.
But the Windows Store App which is for free is totally the same like the desktop application and
only the Windows Store App for 9,99$ supports Windows Hello, am I right?
Are there any plans that Windows Hello will come to the desktop application too?
Maybe with Enpass v6?
I'm not planning to buy the UWP app from the Windows 10 store because it
doesn't support browser extensions which is a must-have for me.
Thanks for letting me know.