I can understand the reactions to the Audit function and banner . . . BUT . . . before criticizing and even leaving Enpass it would be better to look at the different options available. I just did and it changed my initial frustration with this new feature:
You can exclude any entries in your vaults from being audited by right clicking on the item and checking "exclude from Audit". I marked all my items with Ctr A and removed them with one click.
Cool: these items are listed in the Audit side bar under "excluded" and can be added later if you change your mind
In the top right "hamburger" menu you can 1) deactivate the Audit section in the side bar, 2) deactivate the Audit banner at the top of the page, and 3) deactivate Audit as a function - completely or only for old passwords.
Now that I found how I can adjust the Audit function to fit my needs I see it as a valuable addition to Enpass that I can use completely, partially or not at all depending on my preferences.
Summary: by simply excluding items from Audit and deactivating the Audit side bar and banner Enpass looks and acts just like before for those who prefer not to use it. And yet it is available for those who appreciate this added security level. Best of both worlds in my opinion!