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mark chang

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  1. This extension will cause the website not work properly, so I can only add it to the block list, unfortunately, the block list does not work either.
  2. I have added the URL to the block list. It just doesn't work, The extension will still appear in the page. Enpass and extension are the latest versions, and so is Chrome browser.
  3. Maybe onedrive changed the deta. I'm using Google drive now, everything is fine.
  4. Enpass --> Settings --> Advanced There is no "logs" on windows10
  5. https://dl.enpass.io/stable/windows/setup/
  6. https://dl.sinew.in/windows/setup/5-3-0-1/Enpass_Setup.exe
  7. My computer user name is Chinese, Individual software will not be compatible. Backup is turned on by default,the file path is in Chinese,Is this the problem?
  8. After entering the master password. Version Folder sync Thanks
  9. Today, I upgraded to the new version, but it does not work. I tried to re-install microsoft vc ++, but did not solve
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