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WreckGar last won the day on June 10 2022

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  1. Hi, I am also getting this issue. It's on a brand new computer with a fresh install of Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS. After following the installation instructions on the enpass website (installs successfully without warnings or errors) and attempting to launch the application from the Enpass icon, nothing happens. I tailed the logs like another person mentioned above and there was literally zero output, it's like the icon application icon is doing nothing.
  2. Is there a direct download link to get the current version of the android app without going through the google play store? I really dislike google and despite having an android phone I do not login to google services, instead opting to sideload open source software as needed. I would like to have enpass on my phone (I have a paid license) but I would like to not go through one of those apk mirror sites because with a password manager the security concerns are, of course, super important. A direct download link to the current apk would be super appreciated, even if it's the nightly build / beta version. Thanks so much!
  3. Now that the native iOS Files app supports network shares, I would love it if it would be possible to get the Folder Sync feature added to the iOS app. I don't currently run a WebDav server and would like to avoid running one over my local network if possible. Thanks!
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