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  1. Broken again for me Does the website version notify you when there is an update out?
  2. Guess it's a store problem I got an update and got the same error. tried it about 4 hrs later still having the problem. Just got back from work and it's working again. Still have the same version install.
  3. More than 5MB would be great. Just have a warning if syncing to the cloud. Bitwarden = 500MB
  4. I have just added a keyfile and was doing some testing On adding a master password and keyfile I copied the keyfile to a usb drive and unplugged drive. Changed master password with the original keyfile. quitted enpass and restarted it. Plugged the usb drive back in and selected the keyfile on the usb drive (old password) and used my new master password and enpass logged in. Is this normal or should it be a new keyfile after the master password as changed?
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