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  1. It's very strange that the license is related to the `email` field and not to the `user id`
  2. When selecting a custom icon, two options are offered: Camera or Gallery. This is very uncomfortable, please provide the ability to select the file from the /sdcard. I prefer to use svg icons which don't display in the gallery by default
  3. @Pratyush Sharma, @Abhishek Dewan See how KeePassDX solved it https://github.com/Kunzisoft/KeePassDX/pull/1114 and https://github.com/Kunzisoft/KeePassDX/commit/c0ac01a34a022b2508897e5e210d067631264612
  4. Please add support for *.svg icons. Tricky way for use svg icons to the item in the MacOS app: right click on the svg icon, and select "Rename", after which click "Open" The svg icon is displayed normally on the MacOS app and Android app. (Didn't test on other platforms)
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