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Posts posted by intuxikated

  1. currently the autofill option on Enpass constantly scans the screen for fields to complete, and only displays a notification when it finds one
    you could also implement it differently: not scan the screen all the time, but keep a persistent notification in the notification tray. so the app only scans for fields to fill in when someone clicks the notification on the screen.
    this would greatly reduce strain on the cpu, eliminate scrolling stutter/lag and improve battery life.

    • Like 1
  2. as far as i'm aware, it can still be made to work without special accessibility events. other password managers are able to correctly fill in credentials in these browsers.
    some of them have public source code (GPL licenced) which show how they do it.
    some references: code which detects the URL fields in browsers if it detects an application name that's a browser in it's list (it's a xamarin app, so it's c# code):


    list of browsers and corresponding urlbar field names:

    so this should definitely be possible to implement.

    i understand that the current implementation might have some limitations, but you should still be able to work around those limitations by detecting the URL fields in the apps.

    kind regards


    • Like 1
  3. can you implement global autotype?
    it basically means that enpass simulates keypresses to log into any application, not just website
    how this would work:
    user opens app (e.x. steam)
    user gets steam in focus and presses keycombo to trigger global autotype
    enpass detects name of application or application title
    enpass searches for matching entries,
    if 1 match is found, simulate keypresses for login (in 95% of cases: {username}{tab}{password}{enter})
    this keycombo can be made to be configurable ( for example skype, where you'd need {username}{enter}{wait 100ms}{password}{enter} )
    if multiple matches are found, enpass displays a window, letting users select the correct entry, and then autotype the login info
    if no matches are found, enpass pops up with a search field so users can search the correct entry to autofill
    ofcource, in the last case, enpass will also ask to remember the application title for that entry

    this is a feature i greatly miss in the current version of enpass, hopefully you can consider to implement this somewhere in the future.
    and hopefully you can implement this in Linux as well (since that's the main OS i'm using atm, aside from sometimes Windows

    kind regards,


    • Like 4
  4. can you implement global autotype?
    it basically means that enpass simulates keypresses to log into any application, not just website
    how this would work:
    user opens app (e.x. steam)
    user gets steam in focus and presses keycombo to trigger global autotype
    enpass detects name of application or application title
    enpass searches for matching entries,
    if 1 match is found, simulate keypresses for login (in 95% of cases: {username}{tab}{password}{enter})
    this keycombo can be made to be configurable ( for example skype, where you'd need {username}{enter}{wait 100ms}{password}{enter} )
    if multiple matches are found, enpass displays a window, letting users select the correct entry, and then autotype the login info
    if no matches are found, enpass pops up with a search field so users can search the correct entry to autofill
    ofcource, in the last case, enpass will also ask to remember the application title for that entry

    this is a feature i greatly miss in the current version of enpass, hopefully you can consider to implement this somewhere in the future.
    and hopefully you can implement this in Linux as well (since that's the main OS i'm using atm, aside from sometimes Windows

    kind regards,


    • Like 1
  5. Brave is a chrome based browser, which blocks ads and trackers by default.

    currently enpass detects it as brave.com, regardless of which website you're on, instead of correctly identifying the website URL like it is able to do in Chrome
    it's probably implemented the same way as chrome currently is, since some other password managers are correctly detecting URL's for brave browser
    in firefox it doesn't seem to detect anything at all, regardless of which website you're on.
    however firefox on android also supports browser extensions, maybe you could add a FFmobile compatible browser extension which communicates with the android app.

    Kind regards,


  6. currently the autofill option on Enpass constantly scans the screen for fields to complete, and only displays a notification when it finds one
    you could also implement it differently: not scan the screen all the time, but keep a persistent notification in the notification tray. so the app only scans for fields to fill in when someone clicks the notification on the screen.
    this would greatly reduce strain on the cpu, eliminate scrolling stutter/lag and improve battery life.

    EDIT: wrong subforum, moved to


  7. On 9/8/2017 at 11:04 AM, Akash Vyas said:

    Hey @Chippelchen88

    As you said Enpass is an offline password manager and we don't keep any of your data with us. So it's not technically possible to enable 2FA for Enpass. But all the cloud services you mentioned support 2FA, you can enable 2FA for the cloud account. It won't affect the behaviour of Enpass in any way. 


    there is however an option to add key-file support as a second factor for authentication, like other non-cloud based password managers have.

  8. i definitely agree with this, don't know why you would save the data translated, makes CSV files very confusing, and field names in enpass inconsistent because some are translated and some are not. this is not just an issue when importing and exporting, but also while syncing across multiple devices with different languages

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