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Enpass Discussion Forum

Joel Teixeira

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Everything posted by Joel Teixeira

  1. Great to know it worked for you Gino and that it's working as it should without tweaking environment files. Nice step forward from enpass dev team.
  2. Hi Gino, when you change the default kde between dark and light it saves this info inside /home/username/.config so I basically switched back to light theme and duplicate the config folder as .config-light and switched back to dark theme. Then using the above command from previous post I told enpass to use the light themed environment. But out of curiosity, why aren't you using the enpass 6? I'm not using Linux right now but I thought it was released on both platforms.
  3. Same problem on Windows 10 - 64bits. I have bought Enpass on the past. Its my understanding that I wouldn't need to buy it again. Am I right or I misunderstood something?
  4. Hey there, I've been using Falkon as my primary browser for a while now and it's really mature and stable. With the release of the new Falkon 3.0.0 I would like to ask you guys if we can expect a enpass plugin/extension on it. Thank you for the best password manager, Joel Teixeira
  5. Hey there, just wanted to share that for some reason this workaround didn't work here. But I learned another way and it's working fine. I created another profile with kdeglobals inside using white (standard) breeze and added the line below to runespass.sh. export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=/home/sputnik/.config-light Thank you
  6. Oh, that's really great news. Thanks a lot guys.
  7. Hi, Since there's no new posts for ~20 days I would like to ask you all if this issue is gone. After some time using Windows I'm going back to Linux (Arch and Mint) and I saw on AUR some comments about this thread. On a quick check on Mint 18 (beta) I couldn't see any high CPU usage but still was strange to see Enpass most of the time consuming 1~2% constantly even when it was (well, apparently) idle.
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