I'm experiencing this issue again. Some background, this is my wife's account which was set up late last year but she hadn't used it much. When I first set it up I was having sync issues, found this thread, enrolled her in beta and all was good. Her previous pw manager license expired last week so she started using Enpass but it was asking for her master pw, which wasn't being accepted on either the Android or Win10 desktop app, which was an oddity to begin with. I still had her old .CSV file so I deleted the Enpass on both and set her up fresh. Win10 client seems to be working fine, but it's not syncing to her phone via Google Drive. I deleted the old Enpass folder in Drive before setting the account up again. She's using a Pixel 2 running stock Androids 8.1. When I initially link the Drive account via the Android app it says it syncs, though no data actually comes through. That initial link is the Last Synchronized time; the Last Attempt updates with every try but it doesn't actually sync. There is no error given.