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JohnnyX last won the day on February 16 2022

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  1. @Gulshan Dogra I use the same password for all my devices and it is NOT accepted as master password when trying to sync in Dropbox.
  2. .. and where did you do a full uninstall/reinstall? On the new device? (PC or mobile?)
  3. Do you also have your folder in Dropbox here: \Apps\Enpass\Vaults\primary\... ? or is it just here: \Apps\Enpass\... ?
  4. Sorry, but we are turning ourselves in a circle. PC Enpass ist working fine. Database is in Dropbox: \Apps\Enpass\Vaults\primary. Now I have a newly installed Enpass on my iPad with an empty database. I try to sync to Dropbox. Enpass is syncing, but I don't get any entries from the PC database.
  5. PC syncs to \Apps\Enpass\Vaults\primary\ (here resides the vault.enpassdb). iPad/iPhone syncs to \Apps\Enpass only. I can't get the two systems to use the same folder/database and I can't find any setting to set the folder on Dropbox for sync. I deinstalled already Enpass and its data and reinstalled on PC as well as iphone/iPad - now way. ------------------ I have removed the sync to Dropbox on all devices as advised and renamed the file Vault.enpassdbsync. Then I tried to activate the Dropbox sync on PC again. In Dropbox I allowed access for the Enpass app. Dropbox redirected me now to a NEW Enpass sign-on (the "old" Enpass window is still active). When I enter my password Enpass responds with "master password not valid". I have definitely entered the correct password. What can I do now?
  6. Sorry, that I didn't get no reply. I'm opening a new thread for this problem.
  7. Thank you for your reply. After allowing Dropbox access and redirecting to Enpass via button in Dropbox a new Enpass sign on window opens. When I enter my password ist responds with "password not valid"
  8. Jumping in here cause I am having a similar problem. Somehow my dropbox sync folders got in disorder. PC syncs to \Apps\Enpass\Vaults\primary\ (here resides the vault.enpassdb). iPad/iPhone syncs to \Apps\Enpass only. I can't get the two systems to use the same folder / database and I can't find any setting to set the folder on dropbox for sync. I deinstalled already Enpass and its data and reinstalled - now way.
  9. Dropbox sync used to work just fine, but stopped to do so now. Sync works between iPhone and iPad, and also from Windows to iPhone/iPad, but is does NOT work from iPhone / iPad to Windows.
  10. Whgen I attach an Attachment on my iphone and synchronize I cannot see the attachment on the PC even when I am synchronizing manually. Only when I restart the PC application this attachments shows up. I haven't checked if its working the other way round.
  11. Doubleclick to open attachments would be ice. Now you have to click first on anattachment and then select "open" from the list. Doubleclicking is normally used to open an item.
  12. I would like to have a drag & drop functionality for attachment files for the PC and Mac Versions. It is IMHO much too complicated to 1) activate edit mode, and then 2) to click on the button "field", select the item "attachments" and then 3) to find yourself always in the same directory, where you definitely don't find your files. Even if you have selected a different folder, the next time the default folder opens again. This is very annoying! It would be very helpful though to keep the last selected folder if drag & drop is too much programming work.
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