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Everything posted by JeffB

  1. Well, leaving the app running is not a total solution. It took longer than usual, but eventually stopped working. I hope that a solution can be found, or another update corrects the problem.
  2. An observation that may help: If the Enpass Password Manager is not closed, it doesn't seem to crash. I will report if that is not totally true. And there is no going back and I don't want to move to an Insider build on my production machine. Thanks
  3. Interestingly, the problem is NOT occurring on the latest RS5 Insider build released today (17677). Something with the latest update for 17134.81.
  4. After today's update to April 2018 (17134.81) Enpass PM stops working regularly without any interactions.
  5. Well, that was too easy. The majority of files under the Program Files folder are missing in the "failing" version. I don't know what happened. When I created the USB, it was on an 16299 machine, and I used the USB eject function to ensure all of the files were flushed out. But obviously, the files were not written to the USB drive. Please excuse the false alarm. There was obviously some problem in creating the portable USB drive which I cannot explain. Thanks Jeff
  6. Anshu, I have done some additional investigation and have some conclusions: 1. The hashes on the EnpassPortable.exe file are identical. 2. If I copy the "running" exe to a copy of the failing directory structure, it fails. 3. If I copy the "failing" exe to a copy of the running directory structure, it runs. Therefore, the root executables are fine, but there is some problem with the extracted support files (QTxxx, etc). If you want me to send a copy of the directories for investigation, or do some additional investigation here, I would be glad to do it. I will attempt to do directory compares to see if there is some obviously identifiable problem. Thanks for your great support, and the quality of the product. I can't imagine using anything else, and have encouraged many others to use it too. Jeff
  7. Anshu It appears that I have raised a problem unnecessarily. While the problem continued with the original extract from ZIP, I copied the ZIP file again, extracted it and copied to a USB drive. The newly extracted files now work on both the USB and the hard drive with 17123. If you want, I can try getting a recording with the original file, but it appears there was something wrong with the files there were extracted. If you still want the recording, please let me know more specifics on what you need. Thanks Jeff
  8. The new Portable Enpass 5.6.5 works on the latest Windows release 1709 but won't run on the latest Insider Preview 17120. It tries to start and then is stopped. I haven't been able to determine what is stopping it, but I can see the initial window display and then disappear.
  9. Wife using Enpass on Surface Book with 27" external monitor connected through Surface Dock. When opening MS Edge, the Enpass Extension will pop up UNDER the browser window. And then she cannot find the dialog, so she thinks it isn't working. If she turns off Maximize, the browser window covers only about half the screen, and then the Enpass dialog appears "appropriately" next to the browser window. She can then double click the entry to sign in and then maximize the window again. It works but is a nuisance. Maybe you can find a solution in your schedule, or maybe there is a better work around. Thx, Lovin' Enpass.
  10. Love Enpass, and been using it on Android 7.0 for a while. Also using Edge on Android as primary browser. Enpass recognizing sign in conditions and generating the notification, but when tapping it Enpass reports that the entry not found and is looking for Microsoft.com not matter the domain. Hope it is easy to fix. Thanks
  11. I have used on both Creators Update (1703) and Fall Creators Update (preview) 16299. Works equally well. The Edge Extension is in the Store but is apparently not in the index yet. I used the link from the article: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/store/p/enpass-extension-for-microsoft-edge/9n94c0bczshg?rtc=1
  12. Here's the blog post that has links to both the Store app (which you can get with a search) and the Edge Extension (which is still not in the store list). https://www.enpass.io/blog/here-comes-the-edge-extension-for-enpass-and-few-changes-along-the-way/ I hope this helps. Be sure to go to the Settings in the desktop app and turn on the browser extension support. I has been working great for me. I hope you can get it to work for you as well.
  13. Be sure to go to Settings, as it says, and on the Browser tab, Enable Extensions.
  14. The Enpass Password Manager app in the Store is 5.6.2.
  15. Looks like Enpass will deliver major update in the next few days. It appears my patience is being rewarded, and Enpass is certainly the best password manager, and now the Edge extension will be working properly (if as advertised). https://www.onmsft.com/news/enpass-to-bring-its-desktop-app-to-windows-store-along-with-the-new-edge-extension
  16. I have had problems with sync to OneDrive with the desktop app too. Had to disconnect and reregister. Also, authentication does not work with Edge on Insider build 14926 (and before). Had to set the default browser to something else (Opera in this case) and it worked as expected. Then set the default back to Edge. It is the only thing that I have found that doesn't work with Edge. Thanks.
  17. Benqer, I think you will find that LassPass is an internet-based service, so all of the traffic, while encrypted, flows on the Internet. Enpass' store is local, and the only traffic on the Internet is if you choose to sync. I prefer the Enpass solution and sure will wait for their solution. I love Edge but if I need the browser integration, I will use Opera for now. I, thankfully, can remember most of my passwords and can look up the others in Enpass when I have to.
  18. We haven't seen anything on the Edge Extension for a while. Are you making any progress on the Edge Extension integration? Hoping you are getting some help from Microsoft. Love Enpass and hope you can get past the obstacles with the extension. Thx
  19. Edge extension does not seem to support login across multiple pages. The user name is on one page and the password field is buried on a second page. Using Beta 5.2.4 on Preview 14393. I also hope that it will soon be in the store so we don't have to deal with enabling developer features. Looking forward to having this in the mainstream.
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