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  1. Really unfortunate that Enpass has descended to low competence and seeming dishonesty about its problems. I have 6.8.4. Syncing via Dropbox was broken for both IOS and Macos. After 1.5 hours, I have everything working again. But, I have no idea why it ever broke: AND ENPASS WON'T ADMIT WHY--likely because they don't know either. I uninstalled on IOS. I backed up on Macos. I uninstalled on Macos. I deleted the Enpass folder at Dropbox/Apps. Reinstalled on Macos. Loaded the data from the recent backup. Synced to Dropbox. Worked. Reinstalled on IOS. Synced to Dropbox worked. Along the way there were repeated failures to "authenticate" the app with messages to the effect (I forget the verbatim) "Unknown error. Authentication Failed. Try again later. That is an "f-u" error message if ever there was one. But, it had magically worked. Whatever. Very disappointed. Now that Enpass has a subscription, maybe it's time to go back to OnePassword's evil subscription. You could come clean and explain why the problem happened and apologize. This product is complicated with multiple sync servers and services, sales by the app store and on your website, and a feature-based subscription model. Test, test, test--outside the dev. lab in the wild world. You can't break synchronization. It's only the single most important feature. Your "work around" did work, but it was brute force: do everything over again. That's the solution for when the developers don't understand their product. Like to here from Enpass about its intentions to do better.
  2. There is a bad inconsistency on Mac. If you download the app from the Mac App Store it appears that Enpass sets up a vault in the user's Documents folder AND automatically turns on ICloud Drive support for Enpass. Then, if you create a Primary Vault on Dropbox the previous Vaults still exist in the file system and still be synced by ICloud. it is not clear whether these Vaults are ever accessed by the Enpass app and there is no way to tell. The folder structure is different. In Documents/Enpass we find: .settings .sync Backups Vaults primary vault.enpassdb vault.json In Dropbox we find: Apps Enpass vault.enpassdbsync Are both of these needed? Should the Enpass folders in Documents be deleted to avoid duplication? Note that I NEVER setup multiple vaults, never used Wifi Sync, and never used Folder Sync. Further, nothing about this duplication is documented ANYWHERE. YOU MUST DOCUMENT EVERY DETAIL ABOUT THE LOCATION OF VAULTS. This all seems highly risky!
  3. I've tried deleting and reinstalling the app on the iPad for the 3rd time. It's so bad that it is impossible to restore the existing vault. It is impossible to sign-in to Dropbox from the iPad OS version of Enpass. Arguably it is Apple's fault or Dropbox's for changing something iPad specific (rather than across both versions of IOS). But, it is your responsibility to test on all environments that you intend to support. I can restore the vault from a downloaded file, which I had to do before. Of course, it won't sync and this is a temporary expedient.
  4. @Garima I signed out of Dropbox on all devices. The dialog box presented by the Enpass app to login to Dropbox to gain authorization still hangs. Very bad. You haven't really fixed this as it is unreliable. There is something wrong about how you initially attempt to reach Dropbox. Enpass shows up as an authorized app on my Dropbox account. This is why 2 out of 3 devices were able to connect. After logging out of all devices to do what you suggested (grasping at straws...), I signed into Dropbox on the other 2 devices (a Mac and an iPhone). The good news is that upon signing in to Dropbox both of these devices sync. It would appear that you have a problem with iPadOS. Once upon a time it was identical to IOS--indeed, it WAS IOS. But, Apple saw fit to change it. While its plumbing should have remained, since most of what Apple wanted to do was change UI to take advantage of the larger form factor, it would appear some other stuff was changed by Apple. Perhaps you don't have an iPad Pro to test on. Yes, they are expensive especially in India. Unfortunately, your test "lab" (or just someone's desk) will need all representative hardware/OS combinations on which you run. (You can try your luck on all the divergent versions of Android--that's not your fault--and a bunch might work.) For major platforms you have to bear the cost or simply state that you no longer supporting certain hardware/OS platforms. That's your choice...
  5. Very angry and frustrated with Enpass dithering and poor support. This is follow-on to the problem with Enpass not syncing with Dropbox. 6.6.2 doesn’t solve it. I have deleted Enpass, redownloaded it, shut down the ipad and restarted it many times. Nothing works. I have restored the vault by manually downloading it into Enpass. Of course, Enpass documentation is wrong but it is easy to figure out. Now the problem is that it is impossible to set up syncing. The problem is that the dialog box for signing in to Dropbox displayed by Enpass does not allow signing in. Second, this dialog box provides a button to open Dropbox login in Safari. So, I do that. I am already logged in to Dropbox. Dropbox correctly displays an Allow authorization page. But, the handoff back to the Enpass app is broken: Tapping Allow brings up an Open dialog from Enpass. You must choose either cancel (do nothing) or Open. Tapping Open switches back to the Enpass app, but you are stuck on the dialog for signing in to Dropbox. There is no way to get Enpass to accept the Authorization returned by Dropbox from Safari. I expect the Director of Development to assign a team to fix this problem with priority over all other work I expect a formal, public apology from the CEO (if there is one) of Sinew Software. I have wasted hours attempting to work around the problem. You treat paying customers with wanton disrespect.
  6. Still broken on Ipad. Deleted Enpass app. Downloaded 6.6.2 from app store. Shut down ipad. restarted ipad. launched enpass. it asked to restore existing vault. I chose Dropbox. Enpass presents its own dialog for logging in to Dropbox. I entered correct credentials. Spinning circle forever. It is possible to launch Safari from the dialog. this presents a login prompt to connect enpass. Accepts the credentials and says enpass connected with button to return. but a stub of the enpass dialog remains. must cancel this. then it is possible to tap return button to go back to the enpass app. but, the enpass app hangs and will not restore the vault data. this is quite inconsistent with what happened on iphone. Still very broken. Do you test at all?
  7. Still broken on Ipad. Deleted Enpass app. Downloaded 6.6.2 from app store. Shut down ipad. restarted ipad. launched enpass. it asked to restore existing vault. I chose Dropbox. Enpass presents its own dialog for logging in to Dropbox. I entered correct credentials. Spinning circle forever. It is possible to launch Safari from the dialog. this presents a login prompt to connect enpass. Accepts the credentials and says enpass connected with button to return. but a stub of the enpass dialog remains. must cancel this. then it is possible to tap return button to go back to the enpass app. but, the enpass app hangs and will not restore the vault data. this is quite inconsistent with what happened on iphone. Still very broken. Do you test at all?
  8. While there was no new IOS app, some work done on the gateway to Dropbox allowed me to re-authenticate and then sync successfully. OK, Enpass team good work on delivering a fix. What was learned about how to monitor Dropbox connections for an early alert to problems that can be caused by something Dropbox changes on their API?
  9. Version 6.6.0 on MacOS Big Sur worked for me! Will try on IOS a bit later...
  10. I have the same problem on Mac. 1. You need to actually test all of your changes. 2. For something as important and popular as Dropbox you should not be relying on users to find your problems. You need an active account setup to every cloud that repeatedly does sync, disconnect and reconnect and reports status to a monitoring console. You would know in seconds that Dropbox made an API change or, more likely, someone on your team released bad code to production.
  11. This problem is still not fixed on Mac. Cannot view or open an attached pdf. Save is the only option. Been over a year!
  12. @Anshu I don't want to delete the valid keychain I use with Enpass 5.x. I thought I could run in parallel. If I can't I'll wait for several bug fix releases after 6 comes out.
  13. Where is the welcome screen? It never appears. I can't access restore.
  14. YOU DO NOT OWN CUSTOMER DATA! Things to fix: faster sync by syncing shards rather than one entire file of passwords Delete should have undelete during the current session or a trash folder that is emptied periodically--THIS IS THE 2ND PRIORITY Better fonts and layout Capture site icons from commercial sites that have one You may not delete the backup when the Mac Store version of the app is deleted. Heinous and WRONG. This may keep a person from losing the only record they have of their passwords! WRONG! WRONG! WRONG! Make no excuses about sandboxing. Appstore apps can save files in the user's home directory. Therefore, you can save a file. TOP PRIORITY! TOP PRIORITY! Your app is totally unsafe and inappropriate to use until this is fixed. YOU DO NOT OWN CUSTOMER DATA! THE BACKUP MUST BE ACCESSIBLE WITHOUT USING A COPY OF ENPASS. This is a requirement. Yes, it must be encrypted. That is EASY to solve. Simply backup as a ZIP archive using AES256 encryption and use the user's master password, which we must all remember in any case--like the product you copied 1Password, for encryption. YOU MUST MAKE THE CHANGES IN ITEMS 5 AND 6.
  15. So, I'll revise my view that this is not really fatal. I looked at my 1Password data by category. Most of my items were logins (not surprising). So, I filtered by category, selected all, exported the selected items for each category. Then, I went to Enpass and imported a single category, chose the "import" category, dragged all to the appropriate category. Went through each category. A minor pain but it didn't take that long and worked. So, I am good to go.
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