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Everything posted by chribonn

  1. Hi, Why do I have multiple enpass icons in my Windows 10 system tray (see attached). How do I fix this? thanks.
  2. Hi, Version 6 of Enpass has given us the ability to attach objects. I would like to suggest a feature whereby one can embed an Enpass object within another. For example I have an Enpass Bank account object. Into it I would like to be able to embed the Cards and accounts issued by the bank. Each object can be viewed on its own as well as from the linked objects. Thanks
  3. Hello I think that with version 6 Enpass has now the potential to offer functionality offered by card apps. I use the app Beep'n'Go to store cards. Rather than present a card I present the bar code of that card. There are other apps that also seem to offer NFC functionality for cards that have this feature. It would be great of Enpass can improve upon the functionality to make "presenting" a card stored within it easy by generating the bar code, QR Code or NFC signal thereby eliminating the need to carry / replicate data of cards on two apps. Regards,
  4. Hello, 6 has introduced vaults and many of us may now need to move content from to different vaults. In my case the closest thing I had to a vault were tags. Can you please include a function to copy/move all tags to a new vault. PS: it would be great if the icon associated with a particular tag is copied as well.
  5. In the new Enpass you can sort search by Title, URL and various other criteria. Can you please add the ability to sort by Vault. In those situation where you have a common phrase used in different vaults, this option would really come in handy.
  6. It would be interesting if someone from Enpass explain the rationale for this decision. With meta data today it is possible to have a GUID-type file name and simply adjust the meta data.
  7. Hello, I upgraded to 6.0 today and was really looking forward to the vault feature in the hope that one vault would be shared while the other would not. My setup consists of 3 windows devices and 2 android devices (each with their own PRO licence). I managed to generate the new vault but when I come to tell it to sync to the same google drive location I get an error telling me that this is not possible. In my opinion the name of the first vault was system generated while 2nd vault onward require a name. Can't this name be used to generate a unique file name? Thanks and Regards,
  8. Hi, I share my enpass vault with a family member. Up till now we used Enpass on Windows. Enpass is backed up to my Google Drive account. I developed a solution that allows us to share the updated Enpass vault. We purchased Enpass for Android Pro (two accounts). I had not problem linking my Enpass to my Google Drive vault but seem unable to figure out a solution to do it for the other account without having to install my google account on my family member's device. Performing this function potentially enables all google services (calendar, gmail, contacts, etc) and I would like to avoid this. Has anyone figured out a workable solution. I would like to have the following: Two way updates of the Enpass vault from Windows / Android Ability to share the vault with family members (who use Windows and Android devices) allowing them to also have two way updates with me. Retain the backup feature of Enpass that works well (wish I could specify how many backups to keep but that is low priority) I have no issue moving to another cloud storage provider. Thanks and happy holidays.
  9. Support for multilinear fields (like Notes) would allow for a location to store 2FA backup codes (Google issues then in batches of 10). This data is sensitive and should be masked.
  10. This function could be useful for storing 2FA QR codes.
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