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  1. Is there a possibility to download the apk for Enpass directly from you? Google is pointing that my device is not supported. I use an chromecast google tv. In some apps I have an clipboard to paste passwords in so I want to try if this will work. But I don‘t want to download the apk from illegal sources. best
  2. Hello, I have the same problem witch sharing. And I can remember that it worked before also without PSK. Why do you come to so problematic a decisions? And in which menuitem can I find the generated PSKs for my teammember? best
  3. So I have the same problems since some days. According to all the other problems I have with Enpass which will not resolve.
  4. Hi, I use the Enpass version 6.8.5 (1256) from the Appstore, Mac OS Big Sur 11.7.4 (20G1120) and Enpass Extension is Version 6.8.3.
  5. Hi, I have the app Store version and everything is up to date. But now I have also the crashes on normal use and not only if my mac is going to sleep.
  6. Hi, I'm a webdesigner who also develop websites and now i got a really strange error if I open the Devtools of Chrome 111.0.5563.64 and reload a webpage I work on. The loading of the webpage is paused on excerption with the error: ``` Error: You are currently using minified code outside of NODE_ENV === "production". This means that you are running a slower development build of Redux. You can use loose-envify ``` and in the sources tab is the content.js of enpass opend. I'm overwhelmed with this. Can someone help me?
  7. Hi, how can I update Enpass? I can't find any menue item also not in the options. Or have I download the new version from your website? Best
  8. Hello, if my iMac with MacOs Big Sur (11.6.7) goes in the sleep mode and I reactivate it mostly enpass 6.8.3 is crashed. Its really annoying to input again my Masterpassword. What can I do to support you to fix the problem? Cheers
  9. Hi, I try to import a Keepass XML export into a new vault. But I got everytime `nothing to import`. The file was exported from KeeWeb. What can I do to import my passwords? Cheers
  10. Hi, on Safari the screen for the actualised browser plugin have a typo in the german language. It should be »Standard« and not »Standrad«. Cheersd
  11. Hi, I have sometimes problems with webforms if the form is send by Enpass. Than I got CSFR-Errors or I got input validation errors. Only in Chrome 98 in Safari haven't recognize this problem yet. Cheers
  12. JFS

    Password for data

    Hi, I have the same problems but with dropbox. If I use my masterpassword enpass answered with `incorrect password`. But I have not used any other password for the dropbox sync. Cheers
  13. Hi, thanks for your reply! Yes I tried to use cmd+w or click the red x in the left top area. But if the window is closed Enpass will not open if I click the shortcut (alt+cmd+.). If i take a look if the process of enpass is present, but have no entries in the activitytool. I have also attached my settings from the generally tab. I use the Enpass 6.3.3 (584) on a High Sierra 10.13.6 (17G5019). Cheers
  14. HI, its look like that this bug is in version 6.3.3 (584) back. If I press cmd+w Enpass will close completely.
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